Date: 23-12-2021

From IMQ Tecnocrea, we want to wish you in a special way MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS!!!.

We have a dream: sustainability. A dream that calls for more action and less words. This is why we would like to start the new year by doing something useful in order to make it happen and by getting our partners involved as well.

We have a desire: concreteness and cooperation. In our greeting card, we have depicted some of the sustainability goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

We have a commitment: to support the resolution that is most voted by our customers and partners.

The initiative will end at the end of January with a donation that the IMQ Group will make in favor of a goal of sustainability and will be published on our website. Select and vote the 3 goals you see as most important and urgent clicking here: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS.